
No two people are the same, so your style shouldn’t have to be either.

At Veloce, we take pride in keeping our pieces minimalistic while evoking a unique and luxurious complexity.
It is also our pleasure to give our clients the opportunity to transform a Veloce masterpiece into a one-of-a-kind experience with our Bespoke Line. Ideal for the individualist, perfect craftsmanship merges form and function to create a single unique item for those in search of the truly outstanding. 

The Bespoke Line from Veloce offers a variety of leather colors, custom-printed linings, an array of hardware finishes, individualized attention to stitching and meticulously crafted details, to guarantee a distinctive look is created with the client’s vision in mind. The finest materials are chosen and each piece is put through intense inspection to ensure only the highest-quality product is being delivered. Our clients have the last word when it comes to the finish on their item and are given full creative freedom to create something that speaks to their own unique voice. Custom orders are available upon request.